Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Wednesday, January 10

My daily woes

Another dose of daily remorse for the day. Things may appear quiet and calm, but inside my heart remains the heart felt wrench of unimanageable anger everyday when I go to work. The fear that I may not have to see my family on a daily basis. However, this may all change, if probably or possibly I shift my time from a nightshift to dayshift, when I recieve very little or sometimes, no calls at all. Most of my friends seem to enjoy the quiet tranquil time of morning shifts. I have not been though morning shifts yet. Maybe if I shift to this time might change everything for me. A nice 8am to 5pm time. I will attempt to take my leave again soon. A more probable day would be first week next month. If ever I sill dont get what I want, I would probably create a web site where I will expose the loop holes this department I could think of. This may not be pretty, but everyone including myself will go down! No matter how good that agent can be or not. This will remains to be seen! So they better not push me! I don't know what evil schemes I am capable. This blog will only serves as a warning or a reminder of terrible things to come if the tides would not turn in my favor. Nothing more!


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