Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Sunday, January 7

First Log for the year!

Happy new year, not for me. I start the new year without the bang. While the whole world is celebrating the blast of the new year outside the premesis, I and several of my teams are taking in calls. Missing the most spectacular firworks display of the year. I feel such injustice here, trying my butt out to get a decent Vacation Leave, and what do I get. Nothing!! Not even a damn chance! I felt so angry about this system! First of all, I never ask to be here, yet I'm been dumped here by the very people back in the old department. I felt all the resentment here! I'm just waiting for my chance to be promoted to a higher level support so that I can choose where I can put myslef here in this so called work! I can't take the path of quitting, since last year, I've been having this delema of walking out, but I will be putting my family at risk! no financial support. Now, my wife seem to have suck all the funds out of my credit card, now I have to work my butt out in this the whole year to pay all the expenses she generated. Argh, I'm in deep shit now!! I cant get out!! The best option is either promotion and choose a new department while I still have my marbles intact!! I've heard that doing so, will not even change anything. Even just trying is like you being in a pit full of serpents and the only escape is jumping all the way up. All this departments want is to put each and everyone to these seats and throw away the keys! I still hate this job, if I have the chance to change jobs, I will do it! even if this could mean everything!! I hate call center jobs!! What am I doing here!??! I wish there's an answer somewhere! I hate what happened last year! I don't want to stay here another year! This is total torment! A Godless place! A greedy place! A place where you already burns your soul, you feel the chill in your spines!!! I pity myslef! I never EVER wanted this job, just remembering whatever happened why I endup here is a total mystery! How to get out of here would take a miracle to do so! I'm sure the answer will present soon. I just need something. I know what it it, but I will have that chance!! The only chance not to take in calls anymore!! It's so draining, exhausting and full of angst!


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