Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Saturday, December 23

Message from a friend

Hi guys,
ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS NO MATTER HOW TOUGH TIMES GET... It is not easy being a call center representative... however, we may not realize it but because of this job, we get to help out a large number of people around the world... and we are able to make a difference in their lives.. not every one gets the chance to do such a thing... and so because of this, we should consider ourselves lucky... (we - ourselves, them - the members, may not be aware of it... but we do... we are). "Don't forget to put a smile on your calls, smile on them... no matter how irritating the call is... no matter how irritating they are... NEVER LET the call, situation not even the members GET INTO your mood... if you do that, no one looses but you.... Bear in mind that they wouldn't be calling us if they don't need someone to understand and help them... and YOU have the power to do that and brighten up their day... so MAKE USE of that power! Take advantage of it...! Don't get easily swayed by their frustrations... Mind you, it always feels good to know at the end of the day that even in small ways, we are able to help out others... and "nothin beats that kind of happiness and sense of fulfillment." Keep on rocking guys...! I know you can do it...Continue to aim high! Make it a point to update the team board and always watch on your digits... If it goes down, don't go along with it... BE STRONG and WORK DOUBLE TIME by being extra patient with your calls... next thing you know, you're digits are up again... Strive for consistency and aim for promotion!!! Show them what you got...!
I miss you all so much...
Merry Christmas!


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