Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Saturday, August 19

Shaky day! Enough for now!

Finally!! The moment I let go off my last call, that's it!! It's my day off now, after a gruelling week at ops here in my new department. Just for sentimental reasons, I felt like I want to visit the branch of our office where I'd been stuck for quite a while. Eventhough I've been through a lot of rough times, I finally got to meet my old buddies. I ate my lunch here and contemplating a lot lately. I was wondering it has been a month since I left here. I lot has happened since. I had to make a lot of adjustments. It hasn't been so easy for me, but I was able to manage. Precertification was quite an eventful time, or so I've heard. There was a rumor that only 2 of my wave mates, myself included had a problem in our precertification. According to one of them, I was all just a front just to get us on the floor. Well, that does not seem to affect me at all, despite what my stand here in the new department is concern. As long as I'm on the floor and I still take in call, I guess all seems fine. I don't mind if I don't get to pass a certain criteria here in order to get certified. If I fail then that's it with this department, there are others that may cater my, so called unparalleled skills(being at bit sarcastic of myself).
Still my hate for this job does not change. Since, I'm stuck here, why not do your best, what's I got to loose? I don't mind the lies and rumors going around our stand, I don't care. As long as I can still bring bread and milk for my family, I still good to go here! I say,let them crush me! I don't mind. In this department, your performance is based on what the customers think how you handle them. In my recent survey(actually I got only 2), my satifaction rate was ONLY 34%. A very very far cry of 85% requirement to last here. What can I say, I'm a lousy customer care support! I don't mind! It does not matter because I'm not built for this type of job! Yet HERE I AM! Taking in calls and all that B*** S**T! LOL! I so out of choice!! Door closes at the moment. What worries me is the Christmas season when call from all over would start flooding the queue! No moments peace! Nothing! All Angry, miserable callers, wanting reolutions or done something about what they've invested! Or their money back! I say, let them call, I can help them as much as I can, but all I can do is just limited! Some situation may be unintentional, but I happens! Yeah! S*** Happens!! ALL THE TIME!


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