Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Tuesday, August 8

Cheers! It's week 2 and I'm still fine!

Okey, I'm now on my pre-certification week for this department. My 2nd week in OJT status. Although the issue of not having yet a team yet is more on technical issue for the supervisor, since I used to be on the same department but in a different program(tech). Two weeks back, I got to know a few people(all 12 of us), most are well verse to the trade. Experienced jocks to pit to be the best of the best. All they need to do is to iron out some things for the tools and how they all work. I'm still having issue on how to 'multitask' on this job, since it is a requirement to do so! I'm just getting the hang of it, since I only handle cancellation, billing and a little tech issues(10% of it at most). I've been on calls for almost my second week, so far so good, I get irate callers from time to time, but still manageable. I just hope, I can get used to it here for the moment until a better one may just present to me. Yes, there is a better one as I've heard from the vets here in this department. It's more on email support! All tech but you troubleshoot via email. send suggestions to it as well. All I need is to do is pass some sort of letter of my intentions to join in such program. Hmmm, since I just got here, I probably give it 3 months. Aug 3 marks the day when I first got my first job at my former company. I missed being a tech there, life was simple, work was so enjoyeable! Too bad it went under and I can't change that! Hay, things change, I got to move on some how and embrace it. Change is inevitable!


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