Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Thursday, July 6

A tough decision

Okey, today, I've a lot of stories lingering around recruiting to who's going where. Two of my friends here J and A are being assign but not sure about their fate. J's fate will be revealed on Monday as she's going to a new department called V. As for A, she got an offer from sourcing manager as I mentioned on earlier entry, but was not in good terms with supervisors and manager. So she's in a pretty tight situation right now, A is building up a lot of steam inside and will burst if both offers(sourcing or V) doesn't get materialized!
As for me, being transferred to a new department or studying for company TM has yet to be decided. Company TM's take home exams has 6 months coverage, in case nothing materializes, I'll still be very busy studying and attending some lectures. In the meantime, If I get busy studying for TM exam vs Studying client specs on the new department would be superficial for me. I'm bound to both worlds that needed my attention and time, the ugliest scenario would be, failing on both sides. That made me think so much, as if I fail both, it may not be the end for me, but morally degrading! I probably loose all sense of hope. Besides the failures, I have decided that this is a challenge! A real challenge! If both parties is to succeed, the opportunity opens up for me. I will have options! If either one succeeds, it's okey. as long as I still have my job(call center slave). I still have a family to sustain. Although, it's best that I succeed in Company TM. I'll be happier there. I just hope everything will fall into place eventually like a map. All I do is just do my best and follow the best path that is laid to me.


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