Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Tuesday, July 4

My fellow Ghosts gets a go?

As I begin the day today, I tried to pass by the 21st floor just to see if the once vacant training room is still vacant. Turns out to be filled to capacity. So I looked for another, but most of the training rooms are all in use. So Alas! I'm here on the 20th floor, also known as hell zone for me. With a difficult heart I tried some vacant units. I wanted to keep a low profile as much as I can. Now I've login for the day, and check my email. Well my friend a___ has not email me, okey now I tried to email her since she's located at the center of hell floor. Taking in calls. She replied my email.

Me: Hi a, some1 or 2 looking for me?
A: nothing. but I have some news for you! hahahahahaha. 1 and co. are irritated at me! It started yesterday, lunch time when I sat beside the sourcing manager. The sourcing manager told me there are vacant slots available in her team, maybe you'd like to try it out? I said, of course I do. Later on, she emailed me about the jon description, I told her that I can take the job and accept it. The manager talked to the supervisor L because super L was the one who is handling our profile. When the manager emailed super L, she was pissed why A can just leave like that to support without her approval!
(Acutually A is a floating employee, unlike me, she's still less than 6 months old, under probation) So the day has ended, before I went home, I was approached by FL asking me what am I doing? I answered, I do inbound calls. Without any hesitation FL told me this: I should have a Target and should doing outbounds! I told her that I was not trained to do outbound calls. I don't care!! Eventhough she my present team leader, I'm not affraid of her! I have my reasons!! Besides, It's not my fault the sourcing manager talked to me. She's the one who told me first about the job!
Me: I see, what a mess. You're right. Just don't get caught in their affairs. The way I see it, It's given me a headache. Oh my! maybe they might remember me! Did you said floating? har har har. I beginning to think I want to exile myself there. We all never wanted to happen this way! That's the attitude I hate about them. Their true colors reveal. I'm just scared what they'll do to me...

Well I have to cut it here. Chaos meets the demented. I just wonder how will all this unfolds!


It's lunch time, and I called home, just to discover FL sms my phone asking me where I have been? I have no choice but to come and see her. I can't stand this!! Everytime something bad happens FL remembers me! Damn it! Just full of crack pot!!! I hate it when they remember!! Shit!! I like to bang my head!! Why me!!


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