Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Friday, June 9

Day 4, the Escapee

I manage to ask for the cell no. of my colleage who sits besides my cube so I can monitor the whearabouts of the FL. This morning while sitting in the pantry for the news, SMS my friend and told me that someone has already occupied my current cube, good. I'll be able to slip pass without being notice. Since today is a Friday, I manage not to show up, thinking other things to do. Then get away from the people I should not show up. Of course, I was thinking if I should go somewhere else like apply for another company, since none of them(the ones I appield ealier) did not call me up yet, it will help me pass the time. Thinking that they might be also swampped with applicants that are also looking for the job. I know If I ever comeback by Tuesday, since this Monday is a holiday, I'll be prompted with the question: "Where have you been?" "Did you report this to anyone?" and other blah blah questions. It's quite not the same when I'm in my cube. They don't bother you whether you fuck up a call. As long as you're in there(cube). Of course, I can't open the sites where I should open, but I'm looking for ways to help me pass the time! This is just day 4 and yet it fells like forever. It's not that I don't like my work, it's easy. I'm just plain bored because I don't like this line of work. Due to this, my other skills get deteriorated overtime. I want a job that does not make me realize the time passing and at the same time my skills are sharpened. I've complain just about enough. I'm a fugitive again, the feeling of uneasiness lingers in my head, can't sleep right, can't do things right! What a bum I am. An idiot! The day has just begun, wait till the day ends afterwards. I know! There, shut my cell off.

- - - - At the end of the stretch - - - -

Okey, I finally figured out what to do in the afternoon. Right now it's 5 pm and blogging. During my beauty sleep at 11:45 am, an idea just popped. Why don't I try to take the exam at company TM, which is held every Fridays at 1pm. Just before I left, one of my comapnions from the cube came by to take a sleep as well, ask if the FL(accronym explain soon after) is looking fer me? She told me that I should not worry. So I said, please don't tell anyone. They do. Just to be sure, I asked a favor if they would just sms me a message if FL does. So far none. So off I went. First at company TM. I passed the initial tests. The second and last is a COMSPEC test. A somewhat communication test thinggy. I bugged me. We were at least 7 of us left cause originally we were more than 10 or something. The others did not make the initial screen. The officer told us that this sort of test would take 2 to 3 hours of horror waiting. So I've decided to resched my 2 interview for the next day. The earlier, the better. Hmmm, a thought in my mind, but diabolical. I know I should not do this, but I was wondering if I ****** I'll tell it tommorrow, I might change my mind. ;-) Monday is a holiday as well. Damn right I have that as well. I seems that FL has left early today. Hmmm probably looking forward to many eating spree in the weekends. I'm sure FL won't mind. As my coleage would say, "They don't care anyway!". LOL!!!


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