Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Tuesday, June 6

Back in the grind!!

As expected, I'm back in front of the phone again, but this time inbound calls. God! I give anything to get out of here! Anything just to run away. How can I when my own wife is so so so proud of me doing this sort of thing.
So insted of resisting, I won't. At least for the next few days. I'm one sad puppy.

At The End of the day

Like an exhausting day, but got most of the simple work done. Simple but very boring! At lease I don't have to worry while I sleep anymore that supervisor calling you on the phone! Sheesh! Not much further to say. How can I, I'm in it now and I can't do anything about it at the moment! It's just plain crap!! Slow day ends finally and another one begins tomorrow. I feel like coming very early, but we'll see if my tippy toes can stand up!


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