Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Friday, May 12

No where to run! No one to turn to!

I could not get in touch with some of my friends who probably could help find some other jobs better than this. I tried to talk to my sister whom I could only contact her through friendster account, then the computers in the play room started to go out. I'm not sure if my message got through or not, remains to be seen. So I have no chioce since my lunch is up, go back to my freaking calls! This is a disaster to me. I want to get out, but I can't. On the other hand, there's the quitting by not attending at all, that's absence without leave. Not a graceful way to leave a company since you're soul is on contract! There's sick leave, nah used that up already. I could not do anything, I just needed to get in touch with a people I need to talk to. I hope they may respond soon. I'm getting a little impatient again. It's a Friday and I have 2 freakin days to figure out where to run to. My sands are almost up, they're on to me. My payslip could be thin this month! Someone will never forgive me of ever leaving!! Life is so cruel here! There just got to be a way out! OUT OUT OUT!!!! I WANT OUT!!! AAAAAGH!!!!


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