Memoirs From My Call Center Experience

Monday, May 8

Spiral down, way down!

It was my 4th month that my supervisor emailed me a new opening. The prospects was good. If I transfer now, I get to be a regular employee automatically and from what I've heard the new opening is fairly easy, much easier than the one I'm in at the moment. I was thinking, this is an easy way to be a regular employee and be able to transfer later to a department I want(not exactly making or taking calls). So I was determined and signed up for the roster! A week later, a lists of candidates are being screened. There were 5 of us, only 3, that includes myself, was picked and drafted for transfer. Later everything came out and I bid farewell to my teamates and had to move on. I was totally happy that day, a months of training and not taking in calls is relief and a big break for me.
Week one, introductions to the new department, my trainor, and about the department's mission and philosophy thinggy! Yes, since most of us, there were 23 in the room and a bit of a surprise, came from the same department I used to be assign. Seasoned veterans for at least a year to 4 years was transferred and would like to try out this new department. Like the story from before stage 1(intro), stage 2(the bonding), stage 3(simulations), and finally stage 4(the needing). Well actullay I did not got passed to stage 4. It was easter week when the whole training class has to go through three stages of training. The first was Oral examination. The second was Decision making examination. The third was panel simulations conducted by the people that monitors every calls you make. There was three of them, I almost failed the first one, a passing mark I got 80.7%! Cool! But during this time, I felt a cold shiver that something is wrong!! I ignored it. On my second take, I failed, a whopping 67% complience! the passing should be 80%! It was my fault, I did not check my tools correctly! BOOM!! I was in panic inside, but I still made a straight composure that I will still do my best here! I reviewed my notes thoroughly, but in panic! They gave me the feed back of what went wrong! I tried to fix my already ruined composure, but time was at hand, It was my turn again! I failed again to a worst 64%!!! Nooooooo!!! The feedback the last panel person gave was that I did not ask further questions, I quickly assumed that led me to a wrong conclusion! Hmmm, At this point, ok I made that error, but were those the same error most agents make all the time? It took me a while to contemplate to this notion in my head! After I got the failed score, my trainor decided to give me another chance the next day. I agreed since I have nothing else to loose!! The next day, I took the exam again. The panel person is again, the same person that gave me that low score. DAMN!!! 66% again!!!! The reason is the same, did not ask further questions!! So yield the wrong conclusion! My trainor was very upset and disappointed. My trainor gave me a contact person on recruiting and have to got back and wait for any further openings available, either the same department I left or a new one! Well this really sucks! a week after easter was my most horrifying experience I ever had. The overall class, there were only 3 others failed the department. No choice but to pack everything and go back to recruiting department for further instruction. At this time I told my wife I had not specific schedule so I have to be in day shift for the moment. It's an experience for me that is horrifying and stained me as a person for life! I want to blame the last person who failed me, but he makes it look so professional that It was MY fault that I failed! What can I say, that's their job, they eat, breath and sleep with irate customers. Their hearts as cold as ice! I have to yeild to my fault and live with it. 'Sorry' is a word loosely used to people that did not met their expectation! To put it bluntly, 'GO AWAY! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! YOU STINK!'. Stared me right in the face!


  • Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:30 AM  

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